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5 Fun At-Home Activities to Enjoy with Kids of All Ages

What are good games for kids of all ages?

If you’ve scrolled through social media lately, you have probably come across the coronavirus meme that says, “Stuck at Home OR Safe at Home.” We like the sentiment behind it, and it reminds us that perspective is so important during this stressful and strange time.

For those who are able, most families have been “safe at home” for several weeks now. If you have young ones who can’t play on their own yet, keeping them busy can be challenging. Without the ability to go to the park, pool, or a friend’s house, what’s a desperate parent to do?

I’m sure we can all agree that family time is so sweet and so important. But the raw truth is that after so much time together – and exhausting our options on Disney+ – we’re all a bit antsy now.

 So, let’s put our heads together and think of some creative yet simple activities to do together as a family. Here are a few of our favorites. You can adjust each to the child’s age:

1.     Scavenger Hunt

Babies & toddlers : Post sheets of large, colorful construction paper around the yard or house. Place them on the windows, ground, trees, fence, etc. – make sure they’re at different levels to encourage your little one to look around. Strap your baby into the carrier (or just hold her), and have her look around and point to the colors. Follow her pointing and let her “tag” the colors, pulling them down as you go.

Older children : Hide different objects around the home, and make a list (or find one on the internet). Play along with them to see who can find all of the items first for some friendly competition.

For an outdoor scavenger hunt that all ages can enjoy together, we like  this one (words) or  this one (pictures). 

2.     Obstacle Course

Babies & toddlers : Use  crawling tunnels , arched pool noodles, toddler slides, large balls, hula hoops, couch cushions, etc. to create a challenging obstacle course suited to your child’s age. This post by  CafeMom has some creative inspiration, or check out this  DIY Dollar Store Obstacle Course HGTV video.

Older children : Have them design their own challenging obstacle course – or maybe one that would be fun for a younger sibling. Designing is just as educational and exciting as completing the course, and it strengthens ingenuity and problem-solving skills.

3.     Family Photo Shoot

It just makes sense that we would put this one in here. We’re so sad that our studio is temporarily closed due to COVID-19, but until it reopens, have some photography fun documenting family memories during the pandemic.

Babies & toddlers: Decide on a theme, and let your little ones dress up in fun costumes. They can help create the backdrop with finger paint, or you could include fun props like umbrellas, rainboots, balloons, bubbles, or stuffed animals into the shoot that they would enjoy.

Older children: Let them design the backdrop and sets for the family photo shoot. Break out the arts and crafts box, and create a dazzling starry sky! Or maybe a pretty wildflower set for spring. They can also try their hand at photography by using your smart phone or a camera to take the photos. Play along with them by following their posing suggestions. Most likely, you will all end up laughing and coming out with some surprisingly good candids! 

*Tip: Make sure to set up in soft natural light – no shadows or direct sunlight from behind. Shooting outdoors or in front of a large window works best.

**Note : If you have a newborn, please do not try creative newborn poses you see on Pinterest or newborn photography sites. Professional newborn photographers use composites and safe positioning to achieve these. Attempting these poses could put your baby in  danger. Until you can schedule a professional session, stick to simple swaddled, sleeping, or tummy time photos – everyday lifestyle positions you know are safe for your baby. For more questions or newborn session info, message us [ here ].

4.     Family Car Wash

 If you live in Texas, the weather is warming up fast! Fascination with the sprinkler may not last long, so try this activity:

Babies & Toddlers: Line up toy cars to go through the car wash. Add a little soap and a sponge, and they can have fun sending their toys through the car wash (plus, less work for Mom and Dad to sanitize toys!).

Older children: Break out the swimsuits and bubbles and wash a real car. Instead of making it feel like a chore, don’t focus on the details and just have fun with each other. Maybe add a tasty reward or movie night for a job well done?

5.     Gardening

Maybe you don’t have enough room – or enough time – for a full garden. That’s ok! There are plenty of ways your little sprouts can grow something of their own. Watching plant transformation and experimenting in nature is both fascinating and educational.

There are endless garden activities for all ages. has tons of activities organized by age and interest. Go check it out! Whether you’re wanting a simple 10-minute activity for your baby or a full project for your ten-year-old, they have it all!

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