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The Benefits of Hiring a Previous NICU Nurse as your Newborn Photographer

Using a professional newborn photographer who is a neonatal intensive care unit nurse and certified breastfeeding specialist


My Background


I can’t seem to get enough of newborns. After ten years as a NICU nurse, I have had the pleasure of caring for hundreds of precious babies. And even when I felt it was time to change direction in my career, I just had to continue working with babies by opening my own newborn photography business.

Everything about newborns fascinates me: these tiny little humans are so developed and resilient after just nine months (or less!) in the womb. They truly are precious gifts, and each unique child holds so much potential just waiting to blossom. Even my warrior NICU babies – some of whom were born over two months early – had individualized personalities to show off in their adorable movements, the ways they fought for their lives, and their eating and sleeping habits. I could stare at those sweet little fingers for hours (which is why I became a photographer; I want to help families preserve those incredible first few days and weeks of life through gorgeous images).

That being said, health and safety is everything to me in protecting your beautiful baby. As you can imagine, after ten years in NICU, I have unfortunately seen quite a few sick babies. In the first 28 days of life, maintaining your newborn’s health is absolutely crucial.

Something like the flu, a cold sore, or a common cold can put your baby’s life at risk, so it’s important to exercise the utmost care during that period, including where you choose to take your newborn photos. A photography session might sound harmless, but if your photographer does not know how to properly sanitize the studio, use safe and stable props, and continually support your newborn throughout every pose, your baby may be at risk.

nurse at baby bedside in hospital


Here are a few things to consider when hiring a newborn photographer:



Safety First Newborn Photography


In general, newborn portraits are taken between one week to two weeks after birth. That falls in the 28 days of life period, meaning protecting your newborn’s health should be top priority right now. While those snuggly, creative, perfect newborn photos you see on Pinterest are dreamy, if they compromise your baby’s safety or health in any way, it’s not worth it.

You might even mention your photography session at your first pediatric visit to make sure your baby is healthy enough to participate. If there are any complications going on, such as weight-gain issues, feeding, or hydration concerns, as well as any risk of illness, please postpone your session. We can capture stunning photos of your little one at any time!

When hiring a newborn photographer, check to make sure the studio and photography practices are compliant with newborn health and safety standards. In the U.S., newborn photographers are not required to obtain certification in newborn photography safety – anyone who owns a camera can claim to be a newborn photographer. I urge you to be wary of this. When researching newborn photographers, ask if they have received training or attended a certification course through an organization such as the: The National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP).

These certification courses offer in-depth training on topics such as:

·      Newborn Safety & Handling

·      Studio Environment & Cleanliness

·      Safe Posing / When to Use Composites

·      Appropriate Props

·      Safe Swaddling

·      Immunization Education

·      And more


Benefits of Hiring a NICU Nurse as Your Photographer


My life’s work has been caring for newborns, many of whom were in critical condition. I not only have knowledge and training in almost every aspect of newborn care and health, but I have utilized that knowledge extensively for over a decade in order to keep at-risk newborns alive and bring them to full health – and what a joy it was!

I’m not sure you could find that kind of experience in anyone other than a medical professional.

During your photography session, you can truly rest assured knowing that I am taking the absolute best care of your baby because I am:

·      CPR & First Aid Certified

·      Up-to-date & Knowledgeable on Immunizations

·      Experienced in Newborn Health, Care & Development

·      Knowledgeable in Feeding & Nutrition

Not to mention that I’ve become pretty good at calming little ones – I want your shoot to be as relaxing, fun, and stress free as possible!

NICU nurse in hospital caring for newborn

NICU nurse in hospital caring for newborn


Don’t Hesitate to Vaccinate


We’ve arrived at the most controversial point in all of this: VACCINATION.

Newborns have not yet received many vaccinations, so although it may be a little uncomfortable, it’s ok to ask your photographer if he or she is up-to-date on all necessary vaccinations and even ask for a shot record – your baby’s health is worth the awkwardness.

During my time as a NICU nurse, I’ve seen firsthand how devastating illnesses like the flu, whooping cough, and hepatitis can be for newborns and their families. To be frank, there’s a reason these specific vaccines have been created – they save lives. When I see another measles outbreak on the news, my heart breaks knowing that it could have been prevented. In fact, the measles were eliminated in 2000 ( CDC ). And now, in 2019, we’re at the highest number of cases we’ve seen since the disease was declared eradicated ( CNBC ).

As I’ve cared for fragile babies for over a decade, this issue is close to my heart. I urge parents to read trusted, peer-reviewed, and professional information about vaccines rather than misinformed click-bait articles on social media.


Vaccines are important because:


·      Children are not fully vaccinated until age 2 , making it even more important that everyone around them be up-to-date on vaccines. ( CDC )

·      Some people are not able to receive vaccinations due to autoimmune conditions, making it important for those around them to be vaccinated.

·      Immunocompromised individuals such as infants and elderly cannot fight diseases as well as adults with healthy immune systems.

·      Immunizations actually decrease certain birth defects that were associated with certain viruses, such as rubella, that were passed down from mother to fetus. ( )

·      They help eradicate deadly diseases. Here is some background info by the American Academy of Pediatrics on every disease your child is immunized against.

·      They are SAFE – much safer than the diseases they protect against. Read here for latest research and safety information. ( Annals of Internal Medicine , CDC , American Academy of Pediatrics )

·      Immunizations undergo constant and rigorous evaluation – in fact, while many people worry about the concern of preservatives in vaccines, “thimerosal was taken out of childhood vaccines in the United States in 2001” even though it was never shown to cause harm ( CDC ).


Caring for Your Family Through Photography


While this information may seem a little excessive and heavy for some, I have a commitment to the families and babies I serve. It is my passion to care for your little one as if he or she were my own, protecting precious life in the best way I know how. My nursing experience will always overflow into my photography work. I will always strive to give you bright and dreamy photos that capture the full beauty and bliss of the newborn stage – all while maintaining the safest environment possible.

Have questions, concerns, or ideas for your upcoming newborn session? I’d love to chat with you!

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